what else could happen?

mrduetime found out yesterday that our insurance (PPO with $750 deductible) is changing to a straight HSA plan with a $6000 deductible tomorrow. we don’t know if his company is going to be putting any funds into the HSA, or if we have to.

major suckage, because his insurance premiums are paid 100% by his company….. meaning if we have to contribute to the HSA/deductible, it’s a major chunk out of our monthly budget. which also means everything at the RE next month is OOP. our old plan was at least covering bloodwork and ultrasounds; all i was having to pay for was meds and the actual IUI.


  1. Jennifer said,

    January 1, 2009 at 7:51 am

    Insurance has such a way of jacking things up. I’m sory hun.

  2. January 2, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    So sorry!!! This majorly sucks . . . I hate insurances!!!

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